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"We understand that applying to an international school is a long process, so we are committed to providing various education services

to reduce your burden"

School Admissions Services 

 Our Differences 

We’ve got you covered. ​

Throughout your child’s education, from pre-admissions to post-admissions. 

We foster growth potential. 

Reinforce positive behaviours and tackle unwanted behaviours. 

We’re strategic with passion. 

We’ve achieved a 100% school placement rate for all our students. 


 Service Timeline 



Contact Us



Application for Admission

Admission Interview / Test

Admission to an

international school

Administrative Service for the Academic Year

School Plan

Interview / Test


Translation Service


 School Admissions Service Plan 

School Plan

Recommend a list of high potential schools that are best-fitting for your child. 

School Application

Alleviate parents’ burden from handling applications, writing statements, and contacting schools for you.

Admissions Interview Training


Develop key interview skills for any education level.

Entrance Assessments Schedule​

Strategically schedule entrance assessments by prioritising top choice schools

​In-School Administrative Services

Manage school administrative work and communications for parents after school enrollment.

​In-School Administrative Services

Manage school administrative work and communications for parents after school enrollment.

 Other Services 

​In-School Administrative Services

Manage school administrative work and communications for parents after school enrollment.

School Application

Alleviate parents’ burden from handling applications, writing statements, and contacting schools for you.

Contact Us
 Have a free chat with us! 

To take the next step for your child, contact us by phone, email, WhatsApp, WeChat; or you can leave your contact information in the form below. You can also schedule a free consultation at here

Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

(By appointment only)

Thank you for your message. We will be in touch shortly.

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