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​"University planning is a long but important process,

we will be with you every step of the way to face all challenges."

University Planning

What Makes Note Different?

We care deeply. We are here to listen to the student and identify what they want and need. Together we will then devise the plan tailored to the student’s background and ability to highlight their unique character and give their application the little extra sparkle it deserves.

We are also flexible in our approach in coaching the student. We offer the support to help the student work out the “big picture”, whilst providing the practical help instrumental in painting that big picture.

Why Note?
Graduation Hat Throw

How We Can Enhance Your University Application

Assessment and Consultation

  • Learn about your character, capability and ambition to help iron out your university application

  • Help you identify a clear and viable goal in your university application process

University Roadmap

  • Identify the practical steps you have to take after discerning a preliminary goal 

  • Provide advice as to subjects to take for your public exams and co-curricular activities that best complement your academic studies

University List

  • Customise a personalised and strategic school list for you that gives you the best chances of success

  • Include universities that your dream schools and backups based on your progress and ambition

Suggestions of Activities

  • Recommend the after-school activities, projects and internship that help you stand out

  • Help you acquire or improve the skills you need to get the most out of these opportunities

Weekly Meetings

  • Meet with you at least once a week for updates on your academic studies and extracurricular activities 

  • Set a weekly schedule and table of goals that highlight the important milestones that can accentuate your application

  • Research into and apply for outside-classroom programmes that can highlight your character


English Proficiency Test Preparation

  • Universities in the UK or the US may require you to undertake an English proficiency exam such as TOEFL or IELTS

  • Guide you through these tests through our tutoring lessons and give you the tailored advice on how you can pass them with flying colours

Personal Statement

  • It is important to wow the universities you’re applying to

  • Guide you to structure your personal statement to showcase your interest in the university, your strengths and your character

Interviews Preparation

  • Our mock interview sessions will help you become confident in demonstrating your knowledge of the subject at depth as well as your ability to think on the spot

  • Help you demonstrate who you really are and can be

  • Show you the effective ways to answer questions confidently and impress your interviewer

College Campus

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I hire you as my university admissions consultant?

A: You are right in asking this question, especially when you already have a career coach in your school. However, what we offer is personalised and tracked advice on how you can enrich your later school life and improve your chances of being admitted to the university of your dreams. While school career officers may only have limited time for each student they see and are forced to focus on particular aspects of their university applications, we care deeply about the personal growth of our students in their journeys and hope to help them find their strengths and ambition through the process.

Q: What kind of services do you provide?

A: We are essentially a “one-stop” consultancy that ensures your journey of applying to universities is as smooth and rewarding as possible. We provide you with tips and guidance on some of the more practical steps of an application such as your personal statement and interview skills. However, we also devise a unique university plan, for example, through suggestions of the summer programmes or co-curricular activities they can join, so as to enhance their student profile and overall application.

Q: What are some of the challenges I will face in my university applications?

A: Students often have to figure out which degree to pursue and where they should study at university in a short time, on top of having to manage their exams. This can be overwhelming. We are here to give you a step-by-step guide in this process and help set your sights on universities that enable you to realise your full potential, by submitting an application that shows your unique skills and character.

Q: Why should I go to university abroad?

A: Deciding where you should go to university is possibly one of the life-changing decisions you will make. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to meet young people from other countries and the exposure to different ways of teaching than the ones you’re used to. Universities abroad are also often reputable in terms of their academic rigour and the employability of their graduates.

Q: What are some of the differences between the United States and United Kingdom university applications?

A: You apply to universities in the UK through a centralised system known as “UCAS”. On UCAS, you choose 5 courses at 5 universities, including the university you’re hoping to get into and your backup; For American universities, the process is more “individualised” as different colleges will have their special requirements. 


Q: Do you guarantee that I get accepted to my dream university?

A: In short, no. But we know that with our support, your university application(s) will reflect well on your strengths, ambition and your hard work. What we can guarantee is a fulfilling experience in which you learn to recognise your potential and present yourself.

 Have a free chat with us!  

To take the next step for your child, contact us by phone, email, WhatsApp, WeChat; or you can leave your contact information in the form below. You can also schedule a free consultation at here

Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

(By appointment only)

Thank you for your message. We will be in touch shortly.

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